8:23 PM

Become an art auctioneer

Are you an artist??... if the answer is NO then do not worry.You can still start up an art business.This is one of the less investment business.There are thousands of artists in India looking for a start up in their career.Why not be a ladder for their life.We have seen many artists painting on the walls of indian streets.They paint for our useless politicians,their party.Why not get them and use their priceless talent for a good cause.Go to art schools and get students who are interested in selling their art.
What is the investment?? .... well all you need is a room with good interiors.Either you can own one and make it a permanent spot for all your auctions or rent it or few hours.Man power??? not necessary.Wear your formal shirt and blazers and you are the auctioneer.Make a profit of 30% for each art sold and thats it.Initially it would be hard for you to get artists and put up show.Your main investment lies in the advertisement and a party for all visitors ( for crowd pulling ).A business tip would be calling celebrity to start the show.You can also do online bidding or get the art and put up in ebay.A certificate mentioning the date of drawing and the gallery owner's authorization is required.Decide the resale value of the art at the time of auction.Donot invest on fake art.Starting up a website of yours posting the art shows would be a future plan.Indian artists are in great demand abroad.So plan your venue accordingly.
I stay at chennai and near my house we have a photo studio.The owner and his group of frens joined hands to start up this art show.Although they did not have any room to hold auctions,they diaplyed in their studio.Whenever people come to get their photos,he asked them to have a look at their art.He held up an interesting offer that those who buy an art would get their protray for free!!! .. guess what he got nearly 5000 for each art piece.I enquired him and got an info that his investment for each piece is 1000 and he gets 500% profit for each.
So guys Art Auction is a good option to start,but conditions apply*.

Investment Cost - 4000$ ( rental,advertising,refreshements )
Future enhancements - A general auction firm seliing Art,fashion dresses
Profit - 50% on ach piece.
Rating - 7/10


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