1:04 AM

Education a new business oppurtunity in India??

India has the highest number of universities in the World and the count is nearly 8400+.Does this mean all Indians are literates or India has most number of literates? .The answer is No.Education in India is like booking a railway ticket unlike in countries like England or Australia.The quality of education is below par in many of the 8400 universities.Only a few colleges maintain their standards and some reach bigger heights in Outlook rankings.But why this drastic difference?.Its because of the cheap reservation we have in India.People use the condition of poor and needy and create politics with priceless education.Even this reservation is misused in India a lot.Many people who are in forward community,with their influence get the BC certificate and get into top universities and colleges.
A friend of mine belongs to FC but his father got him a SC certificate and made him join IIM with his iinfluence.Such is the standard of Indian education.You dont need to score high to get into IIM,nor break your heads with CAT,all you need is good sum of money and thats it you are in to the top most college in India.May be IIM too!! .. If quality people does not come out of such good universities then think about the quality of future engineers or doctors or entrepreneurs!.On an average 2 out of 10 people in IIM take up their own business out of which 6 out of 10 people are from business background.The obvious reasons are the fathers of these worthless MBA's want their son to take up their position and want their son to continue their successfull business.
Do you know nearly 60% of those who scored 98% in CAT reappear to get into IIM,as they failed in the first place.Failure here i mean,not getting calls from IIM's.I can't blame only influential fathers but also the government for bringing in the reservation concept in higher studies.The so called service profession,MBBS,is also affected by this shit concept.Many students who score well and get 98,99 in medical entrance do not get a single seat.Ironically students from SC,ST,BC,MBC who score 60,65 in medical entrance gets admission in atleast 1 govt.medical college.This is the status of the quality of doctors in India.No wonder the invasion of H1N1 in India.
Although you can argue the growth India has even in the time of recession,I would say the growth is less compared with the talent the students has.No wonder why many students go abroad and gets settled there.In contrast,the universities in abroad do have reservation but not with caste.Their way of reservation makes sense and infact the best concept unlike the stupid concept in India.they give reservation to those people who have served in army,navy,airforce.Even the Prince of England served in english army for years.Hope India learn many things from these countries rather than getting useless culture that spoils youth.
If this scenario continues then it is useless to say India 2020!.


Dora said...

Um, yes u r rite. Education is like anything...!!
People open schools like stores at end of evry street in India! And the teachers employed in school are nt even 10th pass, so i really feel bad for our country. Also the opening of schools shud b brought to a limit. Governmnt shud take steps to bring up d level of education.

Mou said...

Very truly said. I think merit should be the first priority. And if it is really that important to help the financially poor sections of the society, I think monetary relaxations to meritorious students could be a better approach than what prevails.

Unknown said...

Reservation for the poor/eco-backward is a very good concept that you have highlighted. Compared to ethnicity based reservation, economic background based reservation is definitely better for the society.

But, tell me how is it possible to prove that somebody is economically backward. Are you not aware of people paying huge black money in every transaction of something like house. Openly house agents demand 30 to 40% money as black. So a 10 lac aprtment is on paper only 6 to 7 lacs. Sometimes even much cheaper. So this wealth hiding gentle man is definitely poor on paper.
So how do you prove economic backwardness in full-proof way?

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