2:34 AM

PEEPOO - A new way to pee

Donot think this as disgusting post.This problem is the cause for many deadly diseases including H1N1.This post is mainly to give an business idea.How we can convert even a social problem into a business stratergy.The biggest problem in the world is solved now ... A survey says 2.6 billion people does not have a toilet at home.So UN came up with a new idea,a transportable latrine bag,peepoo..Now you can carry this peepoo bag just like a mobile phone and use.What should i do after that.The answer is simple,just bury it.This peepoo bag is simple but very much effective.More than a million of people in India does not have home and a proper place to pee.So what they would do?.They use roads.This contaminates the environment.Instead we can popularise this peepoo bag.What if i throw this bag instead of burying it?.No problem.The contact between water and sanitation is cut and so no water contamination occurs.This peepoo bag acts as a fertilizer too.The best part is this peepoo bag is degradable.This was mainly invented for the sake of people in deep african forests.Just peep into youtube

Lets spread PEEPOO .... make our mother India clean and green.Jai Hind!


Sh@s said...

This is a bright idea. This may save us from the unbearable stench of human waste.

vinu said...

gud idea man :)

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