3:19 AM

Youth Power Vs Plastic power - Plastic triumphs

Its not enough to say "We need the change". Its worth to say "We are the change".How do you carry grocery?.You take xerox of your notes or books and how do you carry it?.... If the answer to all the questions is plastic then we youth should feel ashamed.Could you believe on an average 1 million plastic bags are used per minute around the world and 500 billion annually.We useless literates always preach and dont practise.Why dont you use paper bags my fellows.Plastic cover can be green but it can make our future dark.Hoardings shout "Say no to plastic".But the force got a short life.. This is the situation in India.What we did as a youth,as an Indian ?? ..writing blogs .. useless blogs ... chatting around here .. getting ranks ??... we can make a difference.If not in the whole country,atleast to urself.Stop using plastic bags.Use paper covers for carrying your books,xerox papers,groceries and everything.Put yourself a rule and stick to it as i do.Be a change rather than expecting a change to come.Sometimes blogs can make a difference.I am sorry to say it as useless.Its out of agony.I started blogging to shout at indian youth.To call them for a movement.To create a change.I know we can but what we people do,higher studies,jobs and sit at home .... come guys lets join hands... i am not calling you guys to start a war .. a mission ...start using paper bags..if you dont find create one and use it.Preach it to your sons,daughters,their sons,their daughters.Atleast your society would use paper.Atleast they can make India greener.Lets make the title a history.Jai hind!!!


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